June 16, 2021
TrailheaDX 2021 is next week and now’s the time to prep for success! Caylin sat down to take a quick run through all the latest news and…
November 3, 2020
I got a very short event week for you. Why is that you ask? Well I don’t want to get too ahead of myself, but Dreamforce is starting next…
August 3, 2020
Okee dokee, I got a short event week for you and a short week requires a short introduction. However, I will say...
July 24, 2020
So clearly everyone wanted to do events this week on the same two days too! I'm not going to lie, I don't like having to pick between events, ya know?
July 17, 2020
Helloooo and excuse me while I bombard you with events this week! We are on a completely different page than the one we were on for the last few weeks.
July 13, 2020
Once again the community groups are coming in clutch for you and me and hosting all of the events this week!
July 6, 2020
This week I’m going to stray off of my usual trail and talk to you about planning virtual events. There already are a ton of articles about hosting virtual events...
June 26, 2020
Salesforce and myself are taking it easy on the amount of events coming your way next week. We didn’t want to overload your mind with more information...
June 22, 2020
Do you know what is happening this upcoming week?! TRAILHEADX Y’ALL!! I don’t know about you, but I have been WAITING for this event since January. Yeah it’s virtual this year...
June 12, 2020
This week’s post I’m going to veer from my usual writing style and break up the events a little differently. Additionally, a few of last week’s events are occurring this upcoming...
June 5, 2020
This week we start out with a large event and end with an important one. A lot of the Salesforce Community Groups have been remaining…
May 22, 2020
This upcoming week a lot of the Trailblazer community groups are hosting events. Due to the Memorial Day holiday (in the United States…
May 15, 2020
Man, do I have events for you this week! You might want to consider getting a bigger planner for all of these virtual opportunities…
May 8, 2020
Even though we are going to miss seeing all of our Salesforce friends around the world, we are excited to be able to virtually attend every event!
April 24, 2020
Over the last several months we’ve collectively watched our calendars reshape. As events are cancelled or postponed, and meetings made…