Dreamforce is officially underway! And, in addition to the admittedly shrunken down, invite-only, in-person event in San Francisco — over 100,000 Trailblazers around the world are logging on and tuning in to catch the action live and on demand on Salesforce+.
Even more excitingly, MK Partners was selected to give a Salesforce+ session on tips for admins to get more out of their orgs, and deliver more value to their organizations. And you can watch it right now (or later, it’s On Demand, after all), just by heading over to the admin track on the Salesforce+ page, or simply follow the link right here!
We polled our clients and consultants for their top tips to improve their UX, CX, inter-departmental collaboration quandaries, and more!
Give it a watch, drop your favorite Salesforce tips in the comments, and enjoy Dreamforce! We’ll see you in the cloud.