The biggest news this week isn’t [SUCCESSION SPOILER], at least, not anymore. And that’s because we’ve gotten some updated info on the Salesforce Summer ’23 Release ! That’s right, Trailblazers everywhere will now know when to expect, well, everything!
Pre-Release Org-Signup, Release Note Reveal Day, when to expect the Summer ’23 Trailhead Module and more! Chris and Jessie sat down to discuss the updated info, start the countdown clocks, and get a bit more in-depth about what each step on the timeline means for admins everywhere!
Of course, if video isn’t your thing and you just want to see the deets — we’ve got you covered right here as well!

Don’t forget to sign up for your pre-release orgs tomorrow and, of course, subscribe here because we’ll be continuing our countdown to Summer ’23 with posts, previews, insights, and more on all the latest updates, upgrades, and features headed to orgs everywhere this Summer!
Until next time, keep working hard, smart, and happy. And we’ll see you in the cloud.