Inclusive Data, Changes to Real-Time Automation, Auto-MFA, Field-Level Security, and More!

The time has come once again to pore over the release notes, pick the features we’re most excited about, and share those picks with you as we countdown to the Salesforce Spring ’23 Release! Our goal’s to help you hit the ground running and take full advantage of the coolest new products, features, and functionality! That’s right, we’re back with another round of Release Highlights!
I’ve hand-picked a few features that stand out to me, let’s dive in!
**Capture Inclusive Data with Gender Identity and Pronouns Fields **Upcoming field customizations will provide more ways to help accurately identify leads, contacts, and person account objects with gender-inclusive language and fields. Use either the included default value sets or create your own picklist. Creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment by allowing everyone to reflect their accurate gender identity and improving the quality and accuracy of your data. These changes will apply to all editions of Salesforce by simply heading over to the object manager field-level security and adding or editing picklist values. Read more about it here.
The Option to Run Automation Rules in Real Time Is Being Retired Within the Marketing Cloud realm looks like Account Engagement (formerly Pardot) will no longer allow automation rules to run in real-time starting June ’23. Existing rules with this option enabled will continue to run but not in “real-time”. While creating new rules will no longer have the “real-time” option available. This will apply to all editions of Account Engagement. Each rule may be assigned a specific interval for example (1/2/4/8/24 hours) where all triggers taking place will execute concurrently. A batch of rules will now be executed at intervals throughout each day to help monitor issues and address them quickly. Read more about it here.
MFA Auto-Enablement: Find Out When and How Your Org Is Affected (Release Update) Security is always a priority topic as all roles within an organization may be affected and required to take action. As of February ’22 MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) was on everyone’s radar. Almost a year later Salesforce will begin auto-enabling MFA within production orgs via two phases. Phase one was available as of Winter ’23 but will go into effect as of Spring ’23. Simply use the Trust Status site to search for your org instance and obtain an approximate effective date. Phase two releases in Spring ’23 and will go into effect starting Summer ’23. Any instance that does not fall within either will be notified at a later date. Read more about some preparation tips here.
Choose the Permission Sets Display When Setting Field-Level Security (Beta) Another customization that falls within the permission changes coming with this release consist of providing a simplified method to change field-level security for permission sets and object permissions. As this feature is still in a beta version modifications are likely to continue until it becomes permanent within the release. It’s nice to see a new solution provided to manage permissions at all stages. Will be available in both Lightning and Classic editions. Simply head over to the User Management Settings to enable Field-Level Security for Permission Sets During Field Creation. Make sure to provide feedback that can impact what the final release will include. Read more about it here.
Final Thoughts As always, we’ll keep the Release Highlights rolling as we get closer to launch day and, if there’s something in the Release Notes that caught your eye and you’d like us to cover, feel free to drop it in the comments here!
Until next time, thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you in the cloud!