For the first time in 8 years, Game of Thrones fans and non-fans can finally agree that Winter is over. The sun is shining, thermometers are climbing, and a brand new Salesforce Release is only a couple more weeks away — it’s nearly Summer ’19!
In today’s post we’ll continue our look at the best, brightest, and most exciting new features hitting orgs in June. This time it’s a fistful of new functionality for sorting, organizing, and understanding related data with a brand new beta: Enhanced Related Lists.
For fans of Salesforce Classic, a lot of these updates will feel like throwbacks to the functionality you know and love — and for fans of Lightning, they’ll feel like your admin arsenal is getting even more powerful.
Let’s dive in!
More Columns!
Admins everywhere know the struggle of having more relevant fields than list view columns. Paring down a department’s requirements to make everything fit isn’t exactly ideal, especially when you bragged about Salesforce’s flexibility to get their stakeholders on board. Starting in Summer ’19 we’ll all be getting a lot more real estate for the info our users want! With Enhanced Related Lists, admins will have the ability to include up to 10 columns, so hopefully the days of leaving data on the cutting room floor (or in a series of related lists with ascending suffixes) will be a thing of the past!

More Flexibility!
Beyond the number of columns, we’ll also be getting the ability to customize how many records are displayed! No longer limited to the “info tiles” of LE, you’ll have the option to produce the Classic-esque, info-dense views users crave.
And those users are getting their own tools to tweak related list views on the fly too. From resizing columns with a click-and-drag (just like working on an excel doc), to sorting columns with a tap, users will finally be able to make their own adjustments and see the data in the way that they work most effectively.
More Actions!
Acting on those list records is getting easier in Summer ’19 too! Mass actions empower users and admins to act on several records at once. No more ctrl-clicking each record into its own tab before you get started making changes, just select all the records you want to work with and update them all in one go!
Admins will also have the option to show/hide the list view action bar for each of the related list items added to a layout, again providing the flexibility to make Salesforce work for you, your users, and your process — not forcing you to adapt to your efforts to fit the platform.
Back to the Classics!
As you may have noticed, fans of Classic will be particularly excited about this update as it brings a lot of the look, feel, and flexibility they love into the world of Lightning Experience!
To see just how similar the end results can be (and to watch a pro work her way through all the cool stuff we’ve been talking about), watch the video below.
If you have any questions about the Enhanced Related Lists (Beta), want to see it in action in your org, or need a hand building exactly the views your users are asking for — drop us a line! We’re here to help.
And then stay tuned here for our next installment of Summer ’19 Release Highlights, next time we’ll be talking branding, colors, and UI design!
In the meantime, keep working hard, smart, and happy — and we’ll see you in the cloud.