I miss seeing all of those community events. I’m part of a few community groups but we have yet to have an event, so hopefully some of you have gotten to see your groups virtually or in person recently! As a result, my blog posts are almost getting shorter every week. But don’t worry, you still need to sit back, open up your calendars and get planning!
We may be in August, but Salesforce is already talking about the holiday season. On Tuesday, August 10th at 11am (PDT) FILA is joining Salesforce in How FILA Reduces Holiday Shopping Friction. During the holidays, businesses see a spike in site traffic, which also means a spike in customer service. How do you handle this and streamline that process? In this webinar, you will learn how FILA did that with a Salesforce consultant to build lasting relationships. Time to get a head start before it’s too late!
Our next event is for our marketers out there. The Top 5 Real-Time Personalization Trends in 2021 is taking place on Wednesday, August 11th at 9am (PDT) to help you engage with your customers in real time. You’ll learn about strategies and insights that can be brought back to your company and team to help the marketing side succeed! We are only half way through that year so hopefully there will be a follow up towards the end of the year to get a follow up on these trends.
On Thursday, August 12th we have 2 events occurring at 11am (PDT). First up we have an hour long webinar, What is Customer Relationship Management? This is self explanatory and anyone currently in the ecosystem can easily pass this one up, but what if you are brand new or want to know what CRM is, well this session is perfect for those people! You will hear how CRM can help you build your business and sell better! The first 30 minutes will be dedicated to a presentation and the remaining 30 minutes will be for a Q&A session.
Our second event is for those in the education sector. If you haven’t heard yet, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides federal funding for higher education. If you work in this industry and are curious how to use this money wisely and the impact it could have, then consider signing up for How Higher Ed Can Drive Student Success with ARP Funding. During this event, viewers will learn about the acceptable use of federal funding, how that can be used to support students, and how technology can help reimagine this experience for students.
Last week Trailhead News held multiple Exclusive Interview sessions to talk about the new Developer site being updated and relaunched! We had a panel discussion that discussed challenges and myths around advertising sales, the evolution of advertising sales, and how Media Cloud can simplify all of this in Simplifying the Complexity of Cross-Channel Advertising Sales. We had the first of many Slack related events, Building for the Slack App Directory to teach Developers more about the Slack App Dictionary, the ins and outs of building a Slack app, and advice on how to launch your app.Tweet us @mkpartners and let us know what your favorite event was!
Also, make sure to let us know if you think there are any events worth mentioning and what event you are excited about this upcoming week. And, as always, we will see you in the cloud!