We’re smack dab in the middle of Summer ’23 and, since we’ve spent the last month learning, testing, and trying all the new Salesforce functionality that dropped with the May/June release, it’s a prefect time for Mambo Merge users to brush up on the basics, see a speedy demo of updated functionality, and get Qs to all their most pressing As! Tomorrow’s the next installment of Mambo Merge ‘Office Hours’!
It’s a chance to get a quick beginner’s intro to the app, get some experience building templates of your own, and to help shape future development and request the new features you’d like to see most!
The session is Thursday, July 13th at 10:00am (PT), and you can sign up right here, right now!

And, if you can’t make it, but still have a question (or have a complicated question that you think we might want some time to consider), go ahead and toss it on the form here and we’ll be sure to address it on the call and email you back with the answer too (if you’d like)!
You’ll want to install Mambo Merge ahead of time as well, so grab a free, up-to-date edition from the AppExchange (or ask an admin to) and we’ll look forward to seeing you there!
Until then, keep working hard, smart, and happy. We’ll see you in the cloud.