Generating documents straight from Salesforce is one of the most powerful ways to transform your data into time-savings for your team — that’s why we built Mambo Merge. And now, we’re making it even easier to get started with a monthly webinar we’re calling Mambo Merge Office Hours.
It’s a chance to get a speedy beginner’s intro to the app, get some experience building templates of your own, and to help shape future development and request the new features you’d like to see most!
The first session is Thursday, October 22nd at 10am (PT), and you can sign up right here, right now!

You’ll want to install Mambo Merge ahead of time as well, so grab an edition from the AppExchange (or ask an admin to) and we’ll look forward to seeing you there!
Until then, keep working hard, smart, and happy. We’ll see you in the cloud.