It’s no secret that one of the best parts of Salesforce is the welcoming, enthusiastic, and eager-to-help community. From the outside, it seems like everybody knows, supports, and amplifies each other — and, while you might expect that career camaraderie to be exclusive, all it takes is a little activity in the Trailblazer Community, on Twitter, or at events and you’ll soon find yourself with a bunch of new Salesforce friends! But those aren’t the only ways to make meaningful connections on the platform, and today we’ll be talking about a (slightly) hidden gem that’s one of our favorites — Ohana Pears!
Formerly Secret Ohana (like Secret Santa), Ohana Pears is a year-long gift exchange that pairs you up with two other people in the community as “giftee” and “gifter”. Once a quarter (at least) you send them something that will brighten their day, and the person who got you sends you a nice surprise too! Then, at the end of the year, your match’s secret identity is revealed and you have a chance to say “thanks!”, and make a new friend in the world of Salesforce!

It’s easy to join, easy to participate (thanks to the survey everyone fills out around interests, hobbies, favorites, etc…), and so much fun! And the matches for next year are just about to be rolled out — so if you’re interested you ought to sign up ASAP (just follow and DM the account)!
The deadline to join is this Friday (tomorrow, July 24th!) and all you need to do to participate is fill out a speedy survey about your interests.
Trust me, you won’t regret it.
It’s a truly organic manifestation of the positivity and inclusion made possible by the Salesforce community, and @SecretOhana is deserving of every ounce of praise and appreciation they receive for putting this whole thing together and managing it’s growing scope every year!
So sign up, get thoughtful, and maybe we’ll be matched up together!
Until next time, keep working hard, smart, and happy. We’ll see you in the cloud.