With the pandemic pushing most of our planned in-person events online, virtual meet-ups, meetings, seminars, and conferences are quickly filling up our calendars again. Last week we took a look at some of the upcoming Salesforce (virtual) events we’re looking forward to most — but this week, Salesforce made an announcement that’ll add even more to the community’s “can’t miss” list. All of Salesforce’s planned 2020 events will now be remote.
To protect and ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Salesforce community Dreamforce, Tableau Conference 2020, Tableau Conference Europe, TrailheaDX India, all of the World Tour stops and every other event will now be online events.
And, while the change is being made in the interests of safety and community protection, it also has some additional benefits, namely accessibility.
This year it will be easier and more affordable than ever to attend, learn, and experience the things that make Salesforce events special. No need to travel, book rooms, pack bags, etc… Just log on and join up!
There will be a mix of recorded events and those that are only available live, so you’ll still want to plan ahead to make sure you don’t miss anything.
If you’ve already purchased passes or sponsorship for Dreamforce (or other events) unfortunately you won’t be able to simply transfer your purchases to 2021, but Salesforce will be issuing refunds (phew). And you can learn more from the handy FAQ section they’ve made available.
While having Dreamforce online will be a big shift from the normal Salesforce San Francisco takeover — there’s one more huge hidden benefit to the week “going virtual”: organizations will have a chance to experience a virtual event thrown by the world’s best! Salesforce’s events are a masterclass in logistics, organization, and engagement. 2020 will still have the star-studded speaker lists, expert insight, community networking opportunities, and musical guests so seeing how they execute should provide a blueprint of best practices for firms of all sizes to craft their own engaging online events.
We’ve already seen a sneak peek with Salesforce’s massive rollout of content on Trailhead Live, Webinars, and the World Tour Sydney that drew a bit more than 80,000 Salesforce audience members from around the world. If your organization is struggling to identify ways to engage your clients and partners when you can’t meet face-to-face, these events are a terrific way to get an idea of what works out in the wild!
So, flip through the events calendar, save the dates, and don’t forget to register!

As always, don’t forget to follow us here for event reminders and updates, new additions to the calendar, and the speakers and series we can’t wait to see.
Until then keep working hard, smart, and happy. And we’ll see you in the cloud.